html模版Lady Gaga奧斯卡後吐露自己被強奸的心路歷程
原標題:Lady Gaga奧斯卡後吐露自己被強奸的心路歷程

愛語導讀:Lady Gaga在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上和50位性侵害案件受害人共同演唱的歌曲震撼人心。奧斯卡後這位天後巨星在社交媒體上分享瞭自己作為一名強奸案受害者的心路歷程。

In 2014, Lady Gaga publicly revealed that she was raped at age 19.

台中通馬桶價格 2014年,Lady Gaga稱自己曾遭遇強奸。

Although many were made aware of the singer’s sexual assault incident, Gaga’s family, specifically her grandmother and aunt, did not know until they watched her powerful Oscars performance.


"My grandmother and my Aunt Sheri both called me the 各軍營單位抽肥day after the Oscars because I never told them I was a survivor," Gaga, 29, wrote on Instagram and Twitter.


On Sunday, the six-time Grammy winner performed "Til It Happens to You," the Oscar-nominated song she co-wrote with Diane Warren for The Hunting Ground, a documentary about rape and assault on college campuses.

周日,這位六屆格萊美獎得主在奧斯卡頒獎典禮上演唱瞭自己和戴安·沃倫為紀錄片《獵場》合寫的歌曲“Til It Happens to You”(該歌曲獲得奧斯卡提名)。《獵場》講述瞭大學校園中發生的強奸和性侵害案件。

While on stage, Gaga was joined by 50 survivors of sexual assault.


"I was too ashamed. Too afraid. And it took me a long time to even admit it to myself because I’m Catholic and I knew it was evil but I thought it was my fault," Gaga continued in her post.


"I thought it was my fault for ten years. The morning after the Oscars when I talked to my grandmother Ronnie, with tears in her eyes I could hear them welling through the phone she said to me ’My darling granddaughter, I’ve never been more proud of you than I am today.’"


Gaga shared her emotional family conversation with over 71 million of her social media followers in hopes of inspiring others to "speak up."


"Something I have kept a secret for so long that I was more ashamed of than anything-- became the thing the women in my life were the most proud of," she wrote. "And not just any women, the ones I look up to the most. #BeBrave #speakup #tilithappenstoyou."

她寫道“那些我從未道與他人的秘密,那些令我不堪其辱的秘密,如今演變成瞭令我生命中的女性--並非任意一兩個女人,而是我深深敬愛的女性們--引以為傲的壯舉。#勇敢一些#袒露心聲#tilithappensto you”





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